(有点烂尾)2023-04-02 非周期离散信号的角频率讨论

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原始问题:假设一个离散信号[mathjax]x[n]=e^{j6n}[/mathjax],我们可以看出它是没有周期的。那么它还有 角频率 这个说法/定义/概念吗?




回到原问题,无论离散采样的结果是周期还是非周期,我们其实都不能获得指针的真实旋转速度。就算是我们以离散信号[mathjax]x[n]=e^{j6n}[/mathjax]采样,指针的旋转速度仍然有可能是[mathjax]6+2\pi,\ 6+4\pi[/mathjax]以及更多以[mathjax]2\pi[/mathjax]为乘数的更高速度。不要忘了:[mathjax]x[n]=e^{j(6+2\pi)n}=e^{j6n}[/mathjax].

从这里开始:🔗 [2022-08-27 - Truxton's blog] https://truxton2blog.com/2022-08-27/







假设一个离散信号[mathjax]x[n]=e^{j6n}[/mathjax],我们可以看出它是没有周期的。那么它还有 角频率 这个说法/定义/概念吗?



suppose a discrete signal x[n]=e^{j6n}, apparently it does not have period T. My question is, does it have angular frequency omega?

Yes, the signal x[n] has an angular frequency of 6 radians per sample.
To see this, recall that a discrete-time signal x[n] can be represented by its discrete-time Fourier transform (DTFT) X(e^(jw)), where w is the continuous angular frequency in radians per sample.
For this particular signal, we can write:
X(e^(jw)) = sum_n(x[n] * e^(-jwn))
Substituting x[n] = e^(j6n), we get:
X(e^(jw)) = sum_n(e^(j6n) * e^(-jwn))
= sum_n(e^(j(6-w)n))
This is a geometric series with a common ratio of e^(j(6-w)). It can be shown that the series converges if and only if the magnitude of the common ratio is less than 1, i.e., |e^(j(6-w))| < 1. Solving for w, we get: |e^(j(6-w))| < 1 => cos(6-w) < 1 => w < 6
Therefore, the DTFT X(e^(jw)) exists for w < 6, which means that the signal x[n] has an angular frequency of 6 radians per sample.

"To handle discrete signal's calculation, you must get period T first, then calculate omega. Can't reverse the calculation order", is it correct? Any example on this?

No, it's not correct. In fact, the calculation order can be reversed.
To see this, recall that a discrete-time signal x[n] is periodic with period N if and only if x[n] = x[n+N] for all n. In other words, x[n] repeats itself every N samples.
The angular frequency of a periodic signal x[n] with period N is given by:
omega = 2pik/N,
where k is an integer.
Now, suppose we are given a discrete-time signal x[n] that is not necessarily periodic, and we want to find its angular frequency omega. One way to do this is to first calculate the signal's period N, if it exists, and then use the formula above to calculate omega. However, it is not necessary to find the period N first.
Instead, we can use the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) to calculate the signal's frequency content directly. The DFT is a discrete-time version of the Fourier transform that converts a finite-length sequence of samples into a sequence of complex Fourier coefficients.
The DFT is defined as:
X[k] = sum_{n=0}^{N-1} x[n] * e^(-j2pikn/N),
where X[k] is the k-th complex DFT coefficient and k is an integer between 0 and N-1.
The frequency corresponding to the k-th DFT coefficient is given by:
f_k = k/T,
where T is the duration of the signal in seconds.
We can convert the frequency f_k to angular frequency omega_k using:
omega_k = 2pif_k.
Therefore, we can calculate the angular frequency of a discrete-time signal x[n] by applying the DFT to x[n], finding the index k of the maximum magnitude DFT coefficient, and then calculating the corresponding angular frequency omega_k.
Here's an example:
Suppose we have a discrete-time signal x[n] given by:
x[n] = cos(2pi1000n/fs) + cos(2pi2000n/fs),
where fs is the sampling frequency in Hz. We want to find the angular frequencies of the two sinusoids in x[n].
First, we calculate the DFT of x[n]:
X[k] = sum_{n=0}^{N-1} x[n] * e^(-j2pikn/N),
where N is the length of x[n]. Let's assume N = 1024 for this example.
Next, we find the index k of the maximum magnitude DFT coefficient:
k_max = argmax(|X[k]|), for k = 0, 1, …, N-1.
Assuming k_max = 128, we can calculate the corresponding frequency f_k and angular frequency omega_k:
f_k = k_maxfs/N = 128fs/1024 = 125 Hz
omega_k = 2pif_k = 2pi125 = 785.4 rad/s
Therefore, the first sinusoid in x[n] has an angular frequency of 785.4 rad/s.
We can repeat this process to find the angular frequency of the second sinusoid, which turns out to be 1570.8 rad/s.


 Last Modified in 2024-02-11 

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