WARNING: This article may be obsolete
This post was published in 2023-01-24. Obviously, expired content is less useful to users if it has already pasted its expiration date.
This post was published in 2023-01-24. Obviously, expired content is less useful to users if it has already pasted its expiration date.
This article is categorized as "Garbage" . It should NEVER be appeared in your search engine's results.
🔗 [Dark theme for Prism and 302+ apps — Dracula] https://draculatheme.com/prism
🔗 [https://unpkg.com/dracula-prism@latest/dist/css/dracula-prism.css] https://unpkg.com/dracula-prism@latest/dist/css/dracula-prism.css
写本篇笔记的时候,dracula-prism版本为 2.1.13 :🔗 [https://unpkg.com/[email protected]/dist/css/dracula-prism.css] https://unpkg.com/[email protected]/dist/css/dracula-prism.css
把原来的 pre.line-numbers 改成 pre[class*="language-"] :
这样就解决了line numbers显示和对齐的问题
可以看到是 position: relative 干扰了原有代码,让 position: fixed 失效了,所以:
所以要把 height: auto 去掉:
/* Toolbar for copying */
/* Toolbar plugin overrides */
/* Space out all buttons and move them away from the right edge of the code block */
div.code-toolbar {
position: relative
div.code-toolbar>.toolbar {
position: absolute;
top: .3em;
right: .2em;
transition: opacity 0.3s ease-in-out;
opacity: 1
div.code-toolbar:hover>.toolbar {
opacity: 1
div.code-toolbar:focus-within>.toolbar {
opacity: 1
div.code-toolbar>.toolbar .toolbar-item {
display: inline-block
div.code-toolbar>.toolbar a {
cursor: pointer
div.code-toolbar>.toolbar button {
background: none;
border: 0;
color: inherit;
font: inherit;
line-height: normal;
overflow: visible;
padding: 0;
-webkit-user-select: none;
-moz-user-select: none;
-ms-user-select: none
div.code-toolbar>.toolbar a,
div.code-toolbar>.toolbar button,
div.code-toolbar>.toolbar span {
color: #000;
font-size: .8em;
padding: 0 .5em;
background: #FFC0CB;
/* box-shadow: 0 2px 0 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); */
border-radius: .5em
div.code-toolbar button.copy-to-clipboard-button span{
color:rgb(10, 173, 10);
div.code-toolbar button.copy-to-clipboard-button span:hover{
div.code-toolbar>.toolbar a:hover,
div.code-toolbar>.toolbar a:focus,
div.code-toolbar>.toolbar button:hover,
div.code-toolbar>.toolbar button:focus,
div.code-toolbar>.toolbar span:hover,
div.code-toolbar>.toolbar span:focus {
color: #FF1493;
text-decoration: none
/* Remove text shadow for printing */
/* ... */
/* PrismJS 1.14.0
http://prismjs.com/download.html#themes=prism&languages=markup+css+clike+javascript+abap+actionscript+ada+apacheconf+apl+applescript+c+arff+asciidoc+asm6502+aspnet+autohotkey+autoit+bash+basic+batch+bison+brainfuck+bro+cpp+csharp+arduino+coffeescript+clojure+ruby+csp+css-extras+d+dart+diff+django+docker+eiffel+elixir+elm+markup-templating+erlang+fsharp+flow+fortran+gedcom+gherkin+git+glsl+go+graphql+groovy+haml+handlebars+haskell+haxe+http+hpkp+hsts+ichigojam+icon+inform7+ini+io+j+java+jolie+json+julia+keyman+kotlin+latex+less+liquid+lisp+livescript+lolcode+lua+makefile+markdown+erb+matlab+mel+mizar+monkey+n4js+nasm+nginx+nim+nix+nsis+objectivec+ocaml+opencl+oz+parigp+parser+pascal+perl+php+php-extras+sql+powershell+processing+prolog+properties+protobuf+pug+puppet+pure+python+q+qore+r+jsx+typescript+renpy+reason+rest+rip+roboconf+crystal+rust+sas+sass+scss+scala+scheme+smalltalk+smarty+plsql+soy+stylus+swift+tcl+textile+twig+tsx+vbnet+velocity+verilog+vhdl+vim+visual-basic+wasm+wiki+xeora+xojo+yaml&plugins=line-numbers+toolbar+show-language */
* prism.js default theme for JavaScript, CSS and HTML
* Based on dabblet (http://dabblet.com)
* @author Lea Verou
* Dracula Theme for Prism.JS
* @author Gustavo Costa
* e-mail: [email protected]
* @contributor Jon Leopard
* e-mail: [email protected]
* @license MIT 2016-2020
/* Scrollbars */
--background: #282A36;
--comment: #6272A4;
--foreground: #F8F8F2;
--selection: #44475A;
--cyan: #8BE9FD;
--green: #50FA7B;
--orange: #FFB86C;
--pink: #FF79C6;
--purple: #BD93F9;
--red: #FF5555;
--yellow: #F1FA8C;
/* Transparency */
/** 30% of transparency **/
--background-30: #282A3633;
--comment-30: #6272A433;
--foreground-30: #F8F8F233;
--selection-30: #44475A33;
--cyan-30: #8BE9FD33;
--green-30: #50FA7B33;
--orange-30: #FFB86C33;
--pink-30: #FF79C633;
--purple-30: #BD93F933;
--red-30: #FF555533;
--yellow-30: #F1FA8C33;
/** 40% of transparency **/
--background-40: #282A3666;
--comment-40: #6272A466;
--foreground-40: #F8F8F266;
--selection-40: #44475A66;
--cyan-40: #8BE9FD66;
--green-40: #50FA7B66;
--orange-40: #FFB86C66;
--pink-40: #FF79C666;
--purple-40: #BD93F966;
--red-40: #FF555566;
--yellow-40: #F1FA8C66;
width: 14px;
background-color: var(--comment);
border-radius: 0px;
background-color: var(--purple);
border-radius: 0px;
/* Selection */
pre[class*="language-"] ::-moz-selection,
code[class*="language-"] ::-moz-selection
text-shadow: none;
background-color: var(--selection);
pre[class*="language-"] ::selection,
code[class*="language-"] ::selection
text-shadow: none;
background-color: var(--selection);
/* Line numbers */
/* position: relative; */
padding-left: 3.8em;
counter-reset: linenumber;
pre[class*="language-"].line-numbers > code
position: relative;
white-space: inherit;
.line-numbers .line-numbers-rows
position: absolute;
pointer-events: none;
top: 0;
font-size: 100%;
left: -3.8em;
width: 3em; /* works for line-numbers below 1000 lines */
letter-spacing: -1px;
border-right: 1px solid #999;
-webkit-user-select: none;
-moz-user-select: none;
-ms-user-select: none;
user-select: none;
.line-numbers-rows > span
pointer-events: none;
display: block;
counter-increment: linenumber;
.line-numbers-rows > span:before
content: counter(linenumber);
color: #999;
display: block;
padding-right: 0.8em;
text-align: right;
/* Toolbar plugin overrides */
/* Space out all buttons and move them away from the right edge of the code block */
div.code-toolbar {
position: relative
div.code-toolbar>.toolbar {
position: absolute;
top: .3em;
right: .2em;
transition: opacity 0.3s ease-in-out;
opacity: 1
div.code-toolbar:hover>.toolbar {
opacity: 1
div.code-toolbar:focus-within>.toolbar {
opacity: 1
div.code-toolbar>.toolbar .toolbar-item {
display: inline-block
div.code-toolbar>.toolbar a {
cursor: pointer
div.code-toolbar>.toolbar button {
background: none;
border: 0;
color: inherit;
font: inherit;
line-height: normal;
overflow: visible;
padding: 0;
-webkit-user-select: none;
-moz-user-select: none;
-ms-user-select: none
div.code-toolbar>.toolbar a,
div.code-toolbar>.toolbar button,
div.code-toolbar>.toolbar span {
color: #000;
font-size: .8em;
padding: 0 .5em;
background: #FFC0CB;
/* box-shadow: 0 2px 0 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); */
border-radius: .5em
div.code-toolbar button.copy-to-clipboard-button span{
color:rgb(10, 173, 10);
div.code-toolbar button.copy-to-clipboard-button span:hover{
div.code-toolbar>.toolbar a:hover,
div.code-toolbar>.toolbar a:focus,
div.code-toolbar>.toolbar button:hover,
div.code-toolbar>.toolbar button:focus,
div.code-toolbar>.toolbar span:hover,
div.code-toolbar>.toolbar span:focus {
color: #FF1493;
text-decoration: none
/* Remove text shadow for printing */
@media print
text-shadow: none;
color: var(--foreground);
background: var(--background);
text-shadow: none;
font-family: PT Mono, Consolas, Monaco, "Andale Mono", "Ubuntu Mono",
text-align: left;
white-space: pre;
word-spacing: normal;
word-break: normal;
word-wrap: normal;
line-height: 1.5;
-moz-tab-size: 4;
-o-tab-size: 4;
tab-size: 4;
-webkit-hyphens: none;
-moz-hyphens: none;
-ms-hyphens: none;
hyphens: none;
/* Code blocks */
background: var(--background);
border-radius: 0.5em;
padding: 1em;
margin: 0.5em 0;
overflow: auto;
/* height: auto; */
:not(pre) > code[class*="language-"],
background: var(--background);
/* Inline code */
:not(pre) > code[class*="language-"]
padding: 4px 7px;
border-radius: 0.3em;
white-space: normal;
/* Code box limit */
height: 300px !important;
height: 400px !important;
height: 500px !important;
height: 600px !important;
height: 700px !important;
height: 800px !important;
color: var(--purple);
color: var(--pink);
.language-css .token
color: var(--pink);
color: var(--foreground);
font-weight: bold;
font-style: italic;
.token.atrule, .token.attr-name, .token.attr-value
color: var(--green);
.language-css .token.atrule
color: var(--purple);
.language-html .token.attr-value, .language-markup .token.attr-value
color: var(--yellow);
color: var(--purple);
.token.builtin, .token.class-name
color: var(--cyan);
color: var(--comment);
color: var(--purple);
.language-javascript .token.constant
color: var(--orange);
font-style: italic;
color: var(--pink);
.language-css .token.entity
color: var(--green);
.language-html .token.entity.named-entity
color: var(--purple);
.language-html .token.entity:not(.named-entity)
color: var(--pink);
.language-markup .token.entity.named-entity
color: var(--purple);
.language-markup .token.entity:not(.named-entity)
color: var(--pink);
color: var(--green);
.language-css .token.function
color: var(--cyan);
.token.important, .token.keyword
color: var(--pink);
color: var(--foreground);
color: var(--orange);
.language-css .token.property
color: var(--cyan);
color: var(--pink);
.language-css .token.punctuation
color: var(--orange);
.language-html .token.punctuation, .language-markup .token.punctuation
color: var(--foreground);
color: var(--pink);
.language-css .token.selector
color: var(--green);
color: var(--red);
.language-css .token.rule:not(.atrule)
color: var(--foreground);
color: var(--yellow);
color: var(--pink);
color: var(--cyan);
.language-css .token.url
color: var(--orange);
color: var(--comment);
color: rgba(189, 147, 249, 1);
color: rgba(139, 233, 253, 1);
color: rgba(255, 135, 157, 1);
color: rgba(255, 184, 108, 1);
color: #e2777a;
color: #e2777a;
/* Line Highlighter */
color: inherit;
display: inline-block;
text-decoration: none;
border-radius: 4px;
padding: 2px 10px;
content: " ";
min-width: 100%;
.highlight-line .highlight-line:not(:last-child)
min-width: 0;
color: var(--foreground);
background-color: var(--selection-30);
background-color: var(--comment-30);
background-color: var(--green-30);
background-color: var(--red-30);
Last Modified in 2023-01-25